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Choosing the School or Nursery for your child is an important decision, we aim to provide an opportunity for yourself and your child to experience aspects of life at St. Mary's. We encourage prospective parents/carers to contact the school before making their decision.

Admission Arrangements for Pupils with SEN or Disabilities

Normal admission arrangements will be followed for pupils with ‘SEN or Disabilities’

We endeavour to be a fully inclusive school.

All our children will be treated according to their needs in line with the trust and school policies.

We will take all steps possible to provide effective educational provision. Where a pupil has a particular need e.g. wheelchair access, the Governors will ensure that reasonable adjustments are made for that pupil’s need to be fully met. 

If a pupil is transferring into the school with an EHP or has been in receipt of extra support from LA centrally funded resources in their previous setting, continuation of this support will be negotiated with the appropriate member of the LA, to ensure that needs can continue to be met.